Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Taken for grrranted...

Are you one of the kinds of human species, who would always react with a thought "I am always taken for granted"? The term is commonly used when the person on your other side no longer "APPRECIATE" and rather start "EXPECTING" what is not part of your responsibilities. 

This is just one simple thing that disables the companies to excel. If the resources are not appreciated and just "taken for granted" for something that they are not even responsible for, it actually creates an element of frustration. Realization and communication are therefore key reactions if one would like to create anti-frustration environment. Imagine a CEO or department head, passing through the corridor and just stopping by one of the resources, to praise and thank for the contribution being done in the last week cut-over activity. I believe praising in public is 10 time more effective then praising in private. On the other hand a public insult is 100 time more destructive and devastating; though the person may have done a mistake, but it will create an element of hatred.

This element has an equally negative impact on relationships. Something that one of the partner may contribute in crucial time for the other, may become a life long expectation for the other. Every relation needs appreciation. Whether it is your spouse, child, parent or a friend. Make a habit of appreciating and thanking others, at times, when some one tries to go beyond the normal actions only to serve or give a helping hand to you. It is just a matter of communicating couple of good gesture sentences, a thank-you SMS or an email. 

Small thing matters, and count in a big way in long run!

Walk with me - The Quran

Walk with me I will treat you like a king Stumble with me and I won't let you fall Come read with me the lessons of life, the meth...